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What We Believe

A World of Wonder and Uncertainty

We live in a world that is both wonderful and amazing, but also unpredictable and sometimes bewildering. In such times, we search for an anchor. At Trinity United Methodist Church in Kannapolis, we believe that our anchor is God.

Our Faith in God

We believe that God is our creator, our redeemer, our guide, our strength, our healer, and our hope. God yearns to bless us and satisfy the deepest desires of our hearts. God loves us, seeks our love in turn, and asks that we love and bless others.

Our Belief in Jesus Christ

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, fully human and fully divine. Through Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, God is revealed to us. The Bible witnesses to the redeeming love of God in Christ’s life and teachings, atoning death, resurrection, and triumph over the powers of evil and death.

Faith in Action

As a local church, we strive to live faithfully in our daily lives, putting God first in everything we do. We intentionally aim to grow together in the likeness of Jesus Christ, loving God and loving our neighbors.

A Mission to Serve Others

We believe we are called to serve others in the name of Jesus Christ. Following Jesus’ teachings, we find life, power, and joy through serving others and look to be in mission to our neighbors in Kannapolis and beyond.

Worship, Prayer, and Bible Study

We are committed to a life of worship, prayer, and the study of the Bible. These spiritual practices form the foundation of our relationship with God, helping us grow in faith and understanding.

Last Week’s Sermon

September 29, 2024


Matthew 20:1-16 tells the parable of the vineyard workers, where a landowner hires laborers at different times throughout the day but pays them all the same wage, regardless of how long they worked. When those hired earlier protest, the landowner reminds them that they agreed to their payment and that it’s his choice to be generous with the others. This parable teaches about God’s grace and fairness, emphasizing that His blessings are not earned through effort alone but are given freely, regardless of when one comes to faith. It illustrates that in God’s kingdom, grace and generosity transcend human ideas of fairness.

Prayer Requests

If you need additional prayers for that something special in your heart, just let us know. We are here for you. Just click the button below and fill out the short form.